Pearls of Faith
Miftaah Conference: Pearls of Faith!
We are excited to announce that Miftaah Institute will be hosting an conference in Toronto, Canada on Saturday, June 28th!In this conference, we are going to be discussing the Pearls of Faith, discussing how we can keep our imaan strong in light of modern times. In today's world, proper belief is more important than ever.
On June 28th, we will have many great scholars joining us inshallah! We haven't been able to gather like this with valuable, illustrious scholars in the Metro Toronto area for a long time. This will be a great conference for the whole family inshallah!

Speakers Coming Soon...

Aasim Rashid
Mufti Aasim Rashid is a distinguished Muslim scholar, speaker and educator (the title ‘Mufti’ indicates his expertise and authority in Islamic law). He is devoted to the study and explanation of Islamic sacred texts and their relation to the modern context. His lectures, delivered at conferences and institutions around the world, are known to be inspiring and pertinent to the issues and pressing questions of the day. Mufti Aasim is the founder of the Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation, which has initiated the ‘Islam Unravelled’ project.

Ubaydullah Evans
Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans is ALIM’s first Scholar-in-Residence. He converted to Islam while in high school. Upon conversion, Ustadh Ubaydullah began studying some of the foundational books of Islam under the private tutelage of local scholars while simultaneously pursuing a degree in journalism from Columbia. Since then he has studied at Chicagoland’s Institute of Islamic Education (IIE), in Tarim, Yemen, and Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, where he is the first African-American to graduate from its Shari’a program. Ustadh Ubaydullah also instructs with the Ta’leef Collective and the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) at times.

Navaid Aziz
He lectures on current and relevant topics from an Islamic perspective. His workshops focus on best practices in sensitivity and diversity training for those engaging with Muslims. He shares his expertise on Muslim extremism, the history of Muslim extremist groups, and community based intervention and prevention with the courts, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and law enforcement.

Abdullah Waheed
Shaykh Abdullah Waheed was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, MI. He commenced his studies at the age of ten in Toronto, Canada, where he went to memorize the Quran. He completed the memorization of the Holy Quran by the tender age of thirteen and then went on to study in the seven-year extensive Shariah program in Toronto, Canada. Shaykh Abdullah then continued his research and studies, which took him on global journeys to Pakistan, Kuwait, England and other countries. Shaykh Abdullah specialized in the Tafseer of the Quran. Shaykh Abdullah spent years studying the details and beauty of our Holy book since understanding and mastering the language of the Holy Quran was always the primary goal. Shaykh Abdullah is a co-founder and instructor at Miftaah Institute and is also the Director of Islamic Affairs at Flint Islamic Center. Shaykh Abdullah travels across North America for khutbas, workshops, and seminars. He is known for his motivational and enthusiastic style of speaking, which leaves the audience desiring to better themselves.

Tariq Musleh
Shaykh Tariq Musleh is a graduate from the prestigious Madinah University where he attained his Associate degree in Arabic and Bachelors Degree from the College of Sharia. He completed his memorization of Quran at the age of 13 and went on to receive ijaza from Palestine. He studied Classical Arabic at the Fajr Center in Egypt. Shaykh Tariq has worked as a part time instructor for Islamic Learning Foundation Chicago, where he taught Quran and Arabic studies. He has served in Young Muslims (YM) for many years as a coordinator and murrabi. Shaykh Tariq has also served as the Youth Director for the Islamic Center of Naperville in Chicago and became the Youth Director and Assistant Imam of Mecca Center in Willowbrook, Illinois in July 2017.

Hussain Kamani
Mufti Hussain Kamani is an instructor at Qalam. He is a faculty member at the Qalam Seminary where he teaches Sahih Muslim, Mishkat Al Masabih, Fiqh, and Tazkiya. He gives lectures, conducts seminars and workshops, and teaches Intensives and leads Hajj & Umrah groups at Qalam. You can listen to the numerous series that he has recorded on the Qalam Podcast. He currently resides in Dallas, TX with his wife and four children. He also serves as a resident scholar for the Islamic Association of Carrollton (Masjid Al-Rahman).

Abdul Wahab Waheed
Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed was born and raised in Ann Arbor, MI. He began Islamic studies at Jaamiah al-Uloom al-Islamiyyah in Canada where he became a Hafiz at the age of 11. Upon the completion of his Tahfeedhul Ul Quran, Mufti Abdul Wahab decided to continue his studies in Islamic sciences. He started his 7 year Shariah program in Toronto, Canada and went even further to pursue higher education of Hadith in Karachi, Pakistan. Mufti Abdul Wahab completed his Hadith Intensive in the renowned Islamic University founded by Sheikh Yusuf Binori RA known as Jamia Binoritown, where he had the fortune of studying under teachers who had received their Ijaazat from Al- Azhar, Madina Univsirty, and Ummul Qura. Upon graduation, Mufti Abdul Wahab wanted to pursue his passion in understanding and education in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law.
Past Lectures from MTM

Join Us For A Day Of
Rekindling Our Relationship With Allah SWT
Studying the best examples of relationships in our deen
Understanding the words of Allah (SWT)

I loved the speakers, and the event was very interactive and I just had an overall good time.
Attendee, Pearls of Faith Conference 2022

The speakers were all really good and knew what they were talking about. They made it interactive and fun so they made sure they had our attention the entire time.
Attendee, Pearls of Faith Conference 2022

I enjoyed the topics discussed they all had the central theme of love but addressed them in different ways.
Attendee, Pearls of Faith Conference 2022
ends August 26, 2023

ends June 21st, 2025

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